FAQ for children and young people - getting ready for therapy

Welcome to my counselling and psychotherapy practice! I understand that starting therapy might feel a bit uncertain or overwhelming. 

Here are some answers to common questions you might have about therapy:

1. What is therapy?

Therapy is a safe and supportive space where you can talk about your thoughts, feelings, and anything else that's on your mind. It's a bit like talking to a friend, but my job is to help you figure things out and feel better.

2. Why might I need therapy?

There are lots of reasons why someone might go to therapy. Maybe you're feeling sad, worried, angry, or confused about something. Or perhaps something happened that's been hard to deal with. Therapy can help you understand your feelings and learn new ways to cope.

3. Will I have to talk about things I don't want to?

You're always in charge of what you talk about in therapy. You don't have to share anything you don't feel comfortable talking about. My job is to listen and help you with whatever you're ready to talk about.

4. Who will be there during therapy sessions?

It'll be just you and me. I am here to listen and help you, but you won't be judged, and everything you say is kept private (unless it's something that might hurt you or someone else). 

5. What will we do in therapy?

Therapy sessions are different for everyone because they're based on what you need. Sometimes we might talk, draw, play games, or do other activities to help you express yourself and feel better.

6. How long will therapy last?

Therapy can last for a short time or a bit longer, depending on what you need. 

7. What if I don't like therapy?

It's okay if you're unsure about therapy at first. Lots of people feel that way. You can talk to me about what's bothering you, and I will try to help. If you still don't like it after trying, we can talk about other options.

8. Will my parents know what we talk about?

I won't share what you talk about with your parents unless you say it's okay, or if there's something that could be harmful to you or someone else. I want you to feel safe and comfortable in therapy. If something comes up that I feel maybe helpful to you for your caregiver/s to know about, I will ask you about that and if you would us to share it with them.

9. Can I bring something with me to therapy?

Of course! You can bring anything that helps you feel comfortable, like a favourite toy, drawing, or book. Whatever helps you feel relaxed and happy during our sessions.

10. How can I get ready for therapy?

The most important thing is to be yourself and know that it's okay to feel nervous or unsure. You can also think about things you might want to talk about or questions you have for me. And remember, I am here to help you feel better!

I hope these answers help you feel more comfortable about starting therapy. If you have any other questions or worries, don't hesitate to ask me. I here to support you every step of the way!


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